Encounters Short Film Festival - Fresh Flix: Shoot From The Hip

Encounters Short Film Festival - Fresh Flix: Shoot From The Hip
Encounters Short Film Festival - Fresh Flix: Shoot From The Hip

Film Details




62 minutes


Comedy, Coming of Age, Documentary, Drama, Short Films


Danish / English / German / Swedish (English subtitles)


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Coming of age is revisited in these five films, which depict visceral and compelling accounts of people taking control, from a girl lost in fantasy, to a young woman exploring her cultural identity, through to an eating disorder group trying to get through a single meal. This collection of films heralds the skill and power of story-telling coming from female directors from across Europe and was selected by a group of 18-25 year olds as part of the Future Producers scheme run by the Watershed cross-art venue in Bristol.

Films included in this programme are:

The Beast

Damn Girl


Eating Lunch

Crocodiles Without Saddles

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This programme has not been certified by the BBFC. Into Film suggest it is engaging for ages 16-19. Please note some of these films contain bad language and sexual references. In particular Damn Girl contains strong language throughout, two scenes of alcohol consumption and one scene of drug use.

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