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We Are Many

We Are Many
We Are Many

Film Details




110 minutes


Documentary, War


English (English subtitles)


On February 15th 2003, the largest coordinated global protest in history took place, to demonstrate against the looming Iraq war. In London alone at least one million people took part, many inspired by the issue to protest for the first time. This documentary looks back at the events of that extraordinary day, putting them into context and examining its legacy through to present day. Despite the tragic events which eventually took place in Iraq and elsewhere, the film concludes optimistically, celebrating the protest as a time when the young, the apathetic and otherwise disengaged became engaged with politics and inspired an on-going “quiet social revolution” across the globe.


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We Are Many


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12 Classification

Moderate injury detail, partially obscured strong language.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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We Are Many


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