The Bourne Ultimatum

The Bourne Ultimatum
The Bourne Ultimatum

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115 minutes


Action and Adventure




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In this fast-paced third instalment of the action saga, former spy Jason Bourne comes ever closer to discovering the truth about his past. The action takes place all over the world, with locations including London, Madrid, Tangiers, New York, and the pace is relentless as Bourne tries to find those responsible for his plight. Matt Damon gives a powerful performance as a man who is finally discovering the long-buried truth, and who comes to realise the consequences of his actions. Marked by its intelligence, frenetic editing and sharp camerawork, this is an exhilarating action film, cementing the Bourne series unique style, which many would go on to try and emulate.


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12 Classification

Contains moderate violence.

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