La vita è bella (Life is Beautiful)

La vita è bella (Life is Beautiful)
La vita è bella (Life is Beautiful)

Film Details




116 minutes




Italian (English subtitles)


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Set in Fascist-era Italy, this Italian-language classic tells the tragic-comic story of Guido, a Jewish man with an enormous capacity to rejoice in life even in the most difficult of circumstances. Newly arrived in a small Tuscan city, Guido woos and eventually marries a local beauty, Dora. The couple open a bookshop and soon have a son, Giosuè, but their idyllic life is shattered with the onset of World War II. The family are taken to a concentration camp, where Dora is forcibly separated from her husband and son. But guided by his highly imaginative father, Giosuè manages to dodge the gas chambers and remains oblivious to the horrors of their situation, convinced that everything is part of an elaborate game that they must play to win a tank. Choosing to look on the bright side of life, this unexpected portrayal of the Holocaust encourages audiences to cherish life and love.

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PG Classification

This film has a couple of uses of mild bad language, moderate violence and sex references and a concentration camp theme.

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