Whistle Down the Wind

Whistle Down the Wind
Whistle Down the Wind

Film Details




95 minutes






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When three children in a rural corner of Lancashire find a fugitive hiding in a barn on their family's farm, it begins an even more dramatic series of events. The children, led by Kathy, the eldest, aren't aware this stranger is on the run from the police - in fact, they think he's Jesus, and so when he asks them to keep his presence there a secret, they agree without question. But secrets aren't always easy to keep - and soon word has spread among the children of the nearby village of the man in the barn, leaving Kathy desperate to stop any adults finding out as well. This fine British drama is still as powerful now as it was when it was first released back in the early 1960s.


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PG Classification

Contains one use of mild language.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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"Some of them saw a clip from Wakolda (The German Doctor) on TV recently and really wanted to watch it. So I thought I’d take a chance, not expecting them to watch the whole film but the majority were absolutely gripped. "

- Ann Hardy, Teacher, Manchester Secondary PRU, Manchester