The Day the Earth Stood Still

The Day the Earth Stood Still
The Day the Earth Stood Still

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99 minutes


Science Fiction and Fantasy




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This thoughtful, exciting sci-fi film is a loose remake of the 1951 classic of the same name, but while that film dealt with Cold War paranoia and the perceived nuclear threat of the day, this alludes to eco-fears and concerns for the planet. Klaatu is an alien in human form who lands in New York with his giant robot assistant GORT. Their task is to tell humans that unless they mend their environmentally destructive ways, it'll mean the end of the world. The military powers-that-be don't take kindly to this extra-terrestrial visitor and soon Klaatu is on the run with scientist Helen Benson. Meanwhile, GORT begins to take things into his own hands and, unfortunately for humans, he doesn't have too much sympathy for them.


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12 Classification

Contains moderate threat and injury.

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