

Film Details




111 minutes


Coming of Age, Drama




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Moving drama set over three periods of a young man’s life as he grows from a neglected boy to a self-reliant adult. Born into an impoverished neighbourhood with his single mother addicted to drugs, Chiron’s developing sexuality is something he is forced to suppress to get by. Lacking support at home, Chiron finds a mentor in local drug dealer Juan, who despite the compromised nature of his position gives the boy a fleeting sense of stability and self-worth. Sustained by this relationship and by the acceptance of his childhood friend Kevin, Chiron nevertheless is unable to fully let his guard down. Revealing a complex community, the product of which is a boy struggling to come to terms with his identity, this is a poignant reflection on race, sexuality, poverty and gender politics.

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15 Classification

Strong language, sex, sex references, drugs misuse.

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